I updated the website, and brought PHP to 8, then the customer noticed that on a PC Laptop, with Chrome and Edge, that the menu was not displaying. It worked in all other browsers we tested. Staging site information is set in private content below.
Hey Beth,
It seems to be working as it should on my end using Chrome, could you post a screenshot of the problem please?
Best regards,
Yes, see the screenshot posted below, showing how it displays on a PC with Chrome.
Thanks for that. Please see private for what I see on my end using Chrome. Could you try using an incognito window to see if that helps?
Best regards,
We have tried two different PC laptop computers, on different networks, and the menu is not there. Are you using a PC? On a Mac, it is working in Chrome. When I removed the CSS for the split menu, it shows up without issue.
I adjusted the CSS for activating the burger menu from 1280 to 1200, and now it is working. Thanks, Beth
Glad you figured it out and thanks for the update :)
Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!
Best regards,