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  • #1331817

    Ich betreue eine Internetseite bei der Portfolio-Einträge verwendet werden. Die Seite ist 3-sprachig aufgebaut.
    Jetzt ist es aber so, das ich irgendeinen Portfolioeintrag aufrufe und dann sollten ja links bzw. rechts am Bildschirmrand Pfeile mit dem nächsten bzw. vorherigen Portfolio-Eintrag angezeigt werden. Dies funktioniert meistens leider nicht, wenn mal ein oder zwei Pfeile angezeigt werden, dann ist es zudem meist niocht der nächste oder vorherige Artikel.
    Kann man die Pfeile irgendwie einstellen?


    Hey sancho22,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the problem you are having please?

    Best regards,


    Leider bin ich noch keinen Millimeter weitergekommen. Gibt es keine Hinweise dazu?



    We would need to see the actual problem on your site in order to help you out, could you post a link to where we can see it please?

    Best regards,


    I´m sent you a private notice.



    Thank you for the update.

    How many portfolio items are there in total? Looks like there are only two portfolio items currently, which is why only one arrow display in each item. Please note that the items that will display in the navigation are those that are adjacent to the current post based on the dates that the posts were published. You can check the order of the porfolio items in the Dashboard > Portfolio Items panel.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the info.

    Did you apply a filter or modification in the functions.php file for the post navigation? Please post the login details in the private field so that we can check it further. Make sure that the Appearance > Editor panel is accessible so that we could edit the files when necessary.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the info.

    The post navigation is not displaying because the Enfold > Blog Layout > Deaktiviere die Beitrags-Navigation option is enabled. This option hides the post navigation, so we enabled it back. Please check the screenshot below.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the info.

    The post navigation is not displaying because the Enfold > Blog Layout > Deaktiviere die Beitrags-Navigation option is enabled. This option hides the post navigation, so we enabled it back. Please check the screenshot below.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for following up.

    Are you trying to display items that belong to the same category? You can add this code in the functions.php file to do that but please note that this modification will work best if the portfolio items don’t have multiple categories.

    add_filter("avf_post_nav_settings", function($settings) {
        $settings['same_category'] = true;
        return $settings;
    }, 10, 1);

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Wie hast du die Dreisprachigkeit erreicht? Nutzt du WPML? Wie sehen dann dort deine Permalinks aus? Nutzt du eine eigene Domain je Sprache (bzw. Subdomain ) oder nutzt die domain/de; domain/en /etc. pp oder die ?lang=de usw. Variante?



    Thanks for the follow up.

    The “testkategorien” page is no longer accessible. Did you remove it? The filter seems to be working correctly because only posts that belong to the same category are appearing in the post navigation. Please check the portfolio item in the private field and make sure to purge the cache before testing the page.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the info.

    We actually thought that this is working when we checked the very first portfolio item yesterday. Today, we noticed that the site is still using an older version of the theme, version 4.5, which is no longer compatible with the latest version of WordPress and contains an outdated version of the avia_post_nav function. You should update the theme to version as soon as possible, then update the filter in the functions.php file with this one.

     * Filter für Portfolioeinträge
    function avf_post_nav_settings_cb($settings)
    	if($settings['type'] == 'portfolio')
    		$settings['taxonomy'] = "portfolio_entries";
    		$settings['same_category'] = true;
                    $settings['loop_post_nav'] = false;
            return $settings;
    add_filter( 'avf_post_nav_settings', 'avf_post_nav_settings_cb', 10, 2); 

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Glad to know that it is now working properly. To reverse the order of the post navigation, try to include this code in the functions.php file.

    add_filter( 'avf_post_nav_entries', 'avf_post_nav_entries_mod_reverse', 10, 3); 
    function avf_post_nav_entries_mod_reverse($entries, $settings, $queried_entries)
    	if($settings['type'] == 'portfolio')
    		$settings['same_category'] = true;
    		$entries['prev'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    		$entries['next'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
        return $entries;

    Best regards,


    Perfekt!, Vielen, vielen Dank!



    Gern geschehen! Please feel free to open another if you need anything else. We will close this one for now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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