Can you help me with the correct way to override a file from the parent theme in the child theme?
I need to do some tests with an added filter in /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-template-builder.php ( a small addition), and I would like to do that in the child theme, so as to not mess with the parent theme file directly.
Is that possibile at all for that parent theme file?
Thank you once again for your help, much appreciated
Hey Rob,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You cannot override the core files, unfortunately, at least most of it, only template files such as the single.php, page.php or any files in the includes folder excluding some, etc. It is possible but it will require significant amount of modification, which we will not be able to provide here. You may need to test the modification directly in the template-builder.php file.
Best regards,
Hi Ismael,
Thanks for the prompt info. Pity, means we will have to make do with changing the core parent file directly to test. And redo when there is a theme update.
Kind regards and have a good day!
Can be closed of course :-)
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the update, I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.
Best regards,