Dear all,
It was perhaps a bit quick that Yagi closed the previous post (, because the problem still exists!
Although we now have a work-around on how to fix the misbehavior in the short term. However, since it regularly reoccurs several times a day, we are far from being able to talk about a solution here.
The manufacturer of the WPLandingkit plugin (which was to be expected) shifts after intnsive review any responsibility from himself and points to the theme manufacturer.
In this respect, it is very unfortunate for me as a customer to sit here between the chairs.
The fact is that the work-around fixes the problem in the short term – but apparently the internal settings of the permlinks in the system are lost during the day and thus the website no longer works properly. It is then only a single page to reach. Both the menu and direct calls to special pages via URLs are routed to this one page and you can’t get away from it anymore.
Please help.
Thanks for contacting us!
We can assure you that theme itself does not have any issues with permalinks. This looks like a plugin conflict. Does it work fine if you de-activate “WP Landing Kit” plugin? If it does not, please try de-activating all active plugins and activate them one by one to find the culprit.
After finding the culprit, please contact plugin authors. If they are unwilling to help, please consider switching to an alternative plugin.
Best regards,