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  • #1322646

    I have build a one page website from scratch (without using demo import).
    I defined several sections, with specific ID, to build the main menu, so as to scroll easily in the page, as your restaurant demo does(
    It works correctly, except for the first menu item: when clicked, there is no scroll in the page. The page is simply refreshed as there is no ID for this first section.
    What do you suggest to fix that?
    Many thanks for your help,
    PS: I can’t send you a temporary access or website url right now


    Hi Valérie,

    Could you share the link of the problem menu item please? If you could give us access to the site in question as well, then that would be preferred.

    Best regards,


    I fixed the issue by removing the menu item and by addind a new one!
    Many thanks,



    Great, I’m glad that you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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