I’ve been using the code #main {margin-top: -50px;} to remove the top margin for my pages, and .page-id-1243 #main {margin-top: -50px;} for specific pages (related to the size of the header which we have hidden with #header {display: none !important;}). However, this does not work for our posts. Can you please advise on what code I can use to remove/reduce the margin both for all posts and specific posts? Thank you.
I figured it out:
To apply to all posts:
.single-post .content {margin-top:-50px !important;}
For a specific post:
.postid-1234 .content {margin-top:-50px !important;}
Actually, I spoke too soon…that created issues for a couple pages. Any recommendations?
Thank you for your patience and the link to your site, but the link to your post is password protected so I can not see it, please provide.
Based on your description that you are hiding the header with:
#header {
display: none !important;
I believe that you will actually want to remove the top padding, as there is no top margin on the #main. So please try this css for a a specific post or change the post ID to .single-post for all posts.
.html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top.postid-3933 #wrap_all #main {
padding-top: 0px !important;
After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check. If you still have trouble please link to a page or post that we can examine.
Best regards,