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  • #1318317

    When somebody enter my site I want them to having to accept cookies before cookies starting to opt in.
    So I don’t want any cookies to opt in before they have pressed the accept button. How do I do this?



    Hey Hejanni,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Would you like all external cookies to be blocked on initial load? If yes, you can set the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Cookie Handling > Default Cookie Behavior to the 3rd or 4th option. This should block all external services such as maps, analytics, videos etc. Users will be required to toggle or unblock them manually using the privacy toggles in the modal popup window or in the privacy policy page.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your respons. Yes, that´s what I´m looking for.
    Is there anyway to also block the internal cookis on initial load?




    Thank you for the update.

    What do you mean by “internal cookies”? Do you add any cookies that contains user data or that allows script to collect data from the current user? Cookies should only be disabled initially if they allow a certain script to collect data or any information from the users, or if the cookie itself contains personal information. Cookies that only enables essential site features such as breadcrumbs, shopping cart etc. should be allowed on page load.

    Best regards,


    Okay, thanks for clarifying. I’m new to this as you probably can tell :-)
    Another question. I’ve now set the cookie banner to have three buttons:

    1. Accept
    Button Action: Accept all cookies and services, dissmiss notification

    2. Read more
    Button Action: Link to our policy- and cookie info

    3. Deny
    Button Action: Do not accept and hide notification

    If I use external cookies (google analytics for example), will these automatically be blocked initial? And will these third-party cookies (google analytics for example) continue to be blocked if the customer press Deny?




    If I use external cookies (google analytics for example), will these automatically be blocked initial?

    Yes, external cookies will be automatically blocked when the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Cooking Handling > Default Cookie Behavior is set to the third or fourth option, and when the user denied the cookies.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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