I am seeing a recurring problem in various forms. This problem has occurred in 3 separate plugins as well as the Elementor form widget. In any input field that includes a placeholder, such as a “$” sign, or an icon, or a dropdown within the text input area, the inputted text overlaps the placeholder.
I am forced to use custom CSS for example any time a form asks for a price amount, because the “$” appears over the inputted amount. Adding a “padding-left: 50px” to my input text field is a temporary fix, but I’m tired of doing it for every form. It must be a theme issue.
Hey aacolema,
Thank you for your patience but both of the links are leading to Account Suspended pages, please check. Also your post referenced the Elementor so I assume there is a conflict with it, please don’t use other page builders with Enfold as Enfold has it’s own custom page builder that is not designed to work with other page builders.
Best regards,