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  • #1313268

    Since Enfold update 4.8.4, we’ve lost some images on our web site, and shadow-box items have lost their borders as well as their colour scheme.
    Since Enfold update 4.8.5, the images were back, but shadow-box remain altered.
    We’ve tried to perform a restore of an oéder version with BackWPup, but it did not help, and apache error logs show message relating to Avia border function…
    Can you please let ue know how to recover shadow-box properties with Enfold 4.8.5, or how to downgrade to version earlier than 4.8.4 ?
    Thank you,
    Emmanuel Dardaine


    Hey steel-blue,

    Sorry for the problems.

    Can you please specify which elements make the problem.

    Please create a WP admin account for us so we can have a look in your backend.

    And a link to the pages affected and what exactly is affected would be helpful.

    If it is columns with background images and background color we could locate problems with older shortcodes and 4.8.4/4.8.5.

    We plan a release on monday which will be fixing this problem.

    Best regards,



    Please check out page : Conseil et stratégie IT : Steel Blue vous guide dans votre digitalisation

    Look at the 3rd block (white background, just next to the first blue block, containing light gray blocks “Conseil et stratégie IT” and “Domaines d’expertise”). You will notice light gray blocks do not have margins anymore.

    The same goes for the white blocks here :

    And also the same here : Transformation digitale et gestion de projet informatique for blocks “Planification”, “Gestion du changement”, “Documentation”.

    Please let me know if the bug that will be fixed next Monday would fix those issues, before we consider creating a WP admin account for you.

    Emmanuel Dardaine

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by steel-blue.


    Thanks for the feedback.

    I see that the colums have a padding:0 in our post css file which overrides your padding:30px in your _layout.scss.
    This line with padding:0 is removed in the next version.

    So I think the next update should fix the problem.

    If you want you can update enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\columns\columns.php

    with content of

    – Do not forget to make a copy of the original file for a fallback
    – Save theme options to invalidate all post-css files so they are rebuilt
    – clear server and browser cache

    Best regards,


    Thank you for checking. We shall wait for the next update rather than placing some more CSS options. We prefer relying on default options and modifying only what is necessary.

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