I am a french webmaster, and I really like your theme and your avia builder theme. I also use Divi a bit but I find yours faster.
I created about fifty sites with enfold, including large e-commerce like https://sodina.ch/ and I have a web agency:
I have the idea of creating a blog and I would like to speak positively about your theme, and I would like to know if it is possible to have a sponsorship code if I manage to have sales from my blog? A sales system thanks to me and I earn my commission.
Best regards
Hi Stephane,
Thanks for contacting us! We are glad to know that you are happy working with Enfold!
We sell Enfold exclusively on ThemeForest and Envato has an affiliate program that you can use. You can read more here – https://themeforest.net/legal/affiliate
I hope that helps :)
Want to see sites and examples of cool templates created with enfold? Look at my links :) I am manager of the web agency Stephenson and I mostly use enfold for quite a few sites :) I also use elementor but that’s another story and it’s less nice than enfold. if I have the opportunity to talk about improvement with the founders and coders of enfolds I have ideas, because with experience I noticed things that were wrong, like logos that are not varied enough, etc.
Thanks for sharing, it’s much appreciated. If you would like to report a problem or request a feature, then you can do so here: https://github.com/KriesiMedia/Enfold-Feature-Requests/issues
Best regards,