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  • #1312509

    Hi There,

    I am using a tab section. In one tab I am using an accordean element (to display a FAQ).
    For the tab section and the accordeon/toggle element I am using pretty urls.

    Is there a way to have a direct url like somehow?

    For now I can only redirect to and then the navigation menu of the tab section is not displayed, only the content of that faq but no other tab item are visible.
    Or I have to redirect to

    Thanks in advance for your help,


    Hey eldrico,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Unfortunately, this is not possible by default because both the tab section and the accordeon element relies on the anchor for activation. You may need to hire a freelance developer to modify the default behavior of the accordeon element so that an item opens or activates based on a query parameter.


    The developer will have to create a script that retrieves the value of the toggle_id parameter and open the corresponding toggle or accordeon item based on its value.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your answer. It’s a bit a shame that it can’t be done as the tab section is useful to display any kind of page content. It’s a really useful way to display the huge contents of a page, instead of scrolling for hours.
    But I understand.
    No plan to work on that in any kind of future?


    Have a nice day Ismael,




    Thanks for the update. We might try to find a solution for that in a future release of the theme, but I can’t promise that we will find on though.

    Best regards,

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