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  • #1309607

    Hallo, gerne möchte ich interne Links auf meiner Webseite setzen, schaffe das aber nicht. Gemäss all den Ratgebern und Tutorials sollte dies ganz einfach sein. Den externen Link schaffe ich da der URL einkopiert werden kann. Beim internen Link, sollte aber über den Knopf Einstellungen die Search-Funktion verwendet werden. Allerdings gibt es keine Resultate, auch wenn ich nichts oder nur einen Buchstaben eingebe.

    Auch bei einem Button möchte ich intern verlinken. Da gibt es die Werkzeugleiste aber nicht um einen Link einzufügen. Hier muss der URL eingegeben werden oder aber eine Kategorie ausgewählt werden. Aber auch da, sehe ich keine Funktion, um intern etwas zu verlinken.


    Hi Daniel,

    I’m not sure I understand your question or the problem you are having, maybe due to a poor translation from Google Translate. Could you try to explain the problem you are having a bit further, or post screenshots highlighting it please?

    Best regards,


    Dear Richard,

    Please apologise, that I did not explain the problem properly. Actually I would love to add a screenshot, but I don’t see any function to upload a picture. Anyway, I have two problems with internal link setting.

    1. If I mark a text (as anchor link), I don’t have a URL, so I need to open properties and search for the text I want to link. But the search function always says “No results found”, even though if it’s empty, one letter only or a word which exists on the website.

    2. If I want to set a link for a button. I open the button where I find the section “Link Settings”. There are then many options as “Set Manually” or others from the drop-down menu, but none of them brings me to a point where I link the button..

    Hopefully this explains the situation better. I have prepared screenshots, and could send it for better understanding.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for the update and clarification. I’m still having problems understanding what you need help with though. If you want to share screenshots with us, then you can upload them to a service like Google Drive or Dropbox, and then link to them here.

    Best regards,


    Dear Richard,

    Thank you for the hint with the sharing through cloud. I have created a folder “Enfold Support” and uploaded two print screens.

    Following again the description.
    From the website (not live yet) I want to include internal and external links. The external links work fine as I need to copy the URL from another page. The problem I face is on internal links. This is supposed to be very simple, but I don’t achieve it. There is a search text field, but whatever letter or word I enter, I does not show any result. And obviously the search words are common on my site. I have viewed several tutorials and these always show many results from which they can select. But in my case, nothing. Following the two problems.

    1. Internal Link for Text (see picture)
    I mark the text I want to link “Your devotion is fitness?”. Then I click on the “Link” button and a window opens as in picture. Then I search for fitness (probably 10x on my website), but “No results found”. I tried without letter, with single letters and several words, but no result.

    2. Internal Link for Button (see picture)
    If I want to set a link for a button. I open the button where I find the section “Link Settings”. There are then many options as “Set Manually” and or under Single entry Taxonomy overview page for Category, Post Tag, Post Format, Portfolio Entries, from a drop-down menu. I don’t understand the meaning of them so I tried all of them. Below this drop-down menu der is an empty text box without name. I assumed that this is search function, but no.

    Internal link setting must be a very easy task, but I don’t see what is wrong and how I could achieve it. I hope you can help me as this is extremely important for SEO, so it must work.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for that.

    1. I’m not sure exactly where your screenshot is taken from, could you let us know how to reproduce it your actual site please?

    2. There is no search functionality here unfortunately. If you want to link to a page, then please pick Page in the first option, then pick the actual page from the second drop down list. If you want to add the link manually, then you would have to paste the whole URL into the field, it won’t search for you.

    Best regards,

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