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  • #1309504

    Hello guys

    I have searched up and down for a solution to keep a widget placed on left side bar of woocommerce on all subcategories pages.
    I set in Enfod -> Sidebar Settings -> Sidebar on Archive Pages -> Left sidebar
    So at this point i have the left sidebar as wished on categories and subcategories pages of WooCommerce.
    In that sidebar i added Product categories widget and configure it to show Only show children of the current category as i intend to use it like a filter only for subcategories. And till here it works fine.
    The problem is when i reach the last subcategory the widget disappears because that subcategory does not have any child cat.
    Is there a way to hard code somehow that widget to stay also when i open the last subcategory?
    Because i need to keep the “Only show children of the current category” setting as i don’t want to see all the shop categories everywhere.

    Now it shows till here:

    and i need to have exactly the same widget displayed till the last sub category


    Basically to use it like a filter between level3 subcategories.

    Thank you very much


    Hey hollabrunn,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The widget is added by the shop plugin, not the theme, so you may need to ask additional assistance from the plugin authors. The widget is defined in the woocommerce/includes/widgets/class-wc-widget-product-categories.php file.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Ismael. Will do that.



    No problem. Please let us know in another thread if we can help you with anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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