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  • #1307775


    I’m using a masonry grid to show portfolio items with filtering by category.
    When clicking through the categories, some portfolio items keep coming back – while they don’t have the category.
    For example, start clicking like this: (1) industrie (2) kantoren (3) onderwijs back and forth.
    The same portfolio items keep showing up on top.

    I’ve disabled all plugins, cleared cache, but the problem is still there.

    Creating the same grid with the portfolio grid widget/element, this problem does not occur.
    However, than I don’t have the hover/overlay options I like to use; they’re different and can’t be changed.

    More info in private content…


    Since I’ve decided to go with the portfolio grid instead of the masonry grid, and with some help I got the look & feel the same as the masonry grids (see:, this topic can be considered as solved.



    Thank you for using our theme and reporting this.

    Glad you found a solution to fix it for your case.

    I added this to our dev repo to check.

    Have a nice day and feel free to come back any time.

    Best regards,

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