June 11, 2021 at 1:45 am #1305144
Hello, all.
I have searched the depths of the Web, including this forum, and have not found an answer to this issue I am having with Enfold. Ergo, here is my post.
I have just migrated my Enfold install to a new server.
This also allowed me to upgrade the Enfold install from 4.2.2 to 4.8.3.
Big jump, eh? This might have something to do with the issue I am about to describe.All works very well except for the alignment of items in the portfolio grid.
In the past (version 4.2.2) the grid columns and rows were even rectangles. Please have a look at my sample image:
And the new rendition (version 4.8.3).
And from within the project portfolio:
Do you have any thoughts on what the problem may be?
Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?
By the way, this applies to the directly-linked portfolio pages AND the preview gallery as well. It looks like these are different mechanisms and I was surprised that both changed in the same manner:
Let me know if I am omitting any important information and I will provide it ASAP for you.
For the record, I have a fairly thoroughgoing knowledge of PHP/CSS/etc, and don’t mind digging in code, if you have a recommendation.
All the very best!
June 11, 2021 at 7:41 pm #1305319I just went through the changelogs from v 4.2.2 to present, and I can’t really see anything salient that might be a contributor to this.
I do see the following changes. Could one of these be related? :
4.7.5 – fixed: CSS problem with equal height after individual height columns forming a grid
4.7.6 – fixed: Gridrow CSS with fixed height and mobile break point
4.5.7 – added: option to use custom percent value for height in Color Section and GridRow elements
If you can point me to the affected CSS selectors, I can follow up. I’d rather not use a “hack”; but desperate times…
Thanks again.
June 14, 2021 at 6:53 am #1305525Hi,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Did you set the Styling > Grid Settings > Portfolio Grid Image Size settings to the second option? Please try to set it back to the first option or make sure to select a thumbnail with cropping enabled such as the masonry
elementthumbnail.Best regards,
IsmaelJune 14, 2021 at 8:22 pm #1305668Hi, Ismael. Thank you for the response.
Here is my follow-up on your two suggestions:
For the page’s Styling > Grid Settings > Portfolio Grid Image Size setting I have tried both options.
Changing these does not seem to make a difference.2.
For “thumbnail” are you referring to the “featured image”?
In regard to the featured image, I have seen no “cropping” tool.I have also tried to remove, then replace, the featured image. No cropping tool is presented during this replacement process.
Is “cropping” a setting somewhere? I can’t find it in the docs.
Are you maybe suggesting that I crop the thumbnail/featured-image outside of WordPress/Enfold?
Thank you, and best regards.
June 16, 2021 at 1:24 pm #1305992Hi,
I was actually referring to the cropping option for registered thumbnails. Most of the thumbnails that are generated by the theme are automatically cropped to the exact dimension, while few others are not. But this does not matter anymore since both option that you tried is not working.
Did you install an image optimization plugin? What happens when you disable it?
Best regards,
IsmaelJune 16, 2021 at 5:17 pm #1306077Ismael,
Thanks again for following-up on this.
“the cropping option for registered thumbnails”
I have no idea what “the cropping option for registered thumbnails” means. Is this a setting or tool that we can apply to the image?
The only image-related plug-in that I have installed is a copy-protection plug-in. To me, that seems unrelated.
A thought: let me share a screenshot from the site’s media library. This is the single result for a filter search based on the name of the original image “Pacifico_42”:
If my memory of the old system serves, the upload tools created three-fold images of the original upload. Am I correct? I think they were named something like this:
- Original_image.png
- Original_image_122x122.png
- Original_image_428x312.png
When I used Enfold’s Export tool to migrate the site to the new server, it recreated only the “Original_image.png” for the new install. (In case it is important, since WordPress seems to use absolute links, I had to mass-change the references in the database using MySQL.)
Are the thumbnail galleries reliant on this “122×122” “428×312” system?
If so, I should be able to (theoretically) develop a batching strategy for correcting this.
June 18, 2021 at 9:03 am #1306306Hi,
the cropping option for registered thumbnails
The theme uses the following function to generate other versions or thumbnails of an image. One of the parameters is called “crop”, which tells WordPress to crop or scale the image.
// https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_image_size/
Yes, the theme relies on those thumbnail names. You may need to regenerate the thumbnails or the images if you did something in the database.
// https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
Best regards,
IsmaelJune 18, 2021 at 10:21 pm #1306451Hi, Ismael.
Thanks again for following up on this. I am gaining a good understanding of this now, and hopefully this adds to the forum’s knowledge as well.
The theme uses the following function to generate other versions or thumbnails of an image. One of the parameters is called “crop”, which tells WordPress to crop or scale the image.
This must occur during the original upload. Is that true? If so, it would explain why my migration skipped the thumbnailing process.
Yes, the theme relies on those thumbnail names. You may need to regenerate the thumbnails or the images if you did something in the database.
I plan to run the “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin tool on Monday, but I won’t kid you: 17 additional sizes of 1486 images seems like a daunting storage challenge. I am a bit concerned about this. Are all of the sizes necessary — and is there any way to reduce the number of thumbs generated?
If you see any way around these storage concerns, please advise.
Otherwise, I will soldier on.
I will follow here up after I run the Regenerate Thumbnails tool.
Thanks again. Enjoy the weekend!
June 22, 2021 at 5:19 am #1306849Hi,
This must occur during the original upload. Is that true? If so, it would explain why my migration skipped the thumbnailing process.
Yes, the thumbnails are generated when uploading an image.
I am a bit concerned about this. Are all of the sizes necessary — and is there any way to reduce the number of thumbs generated?
You can actually disable every registered thumbnails without causing any problem. WordPress will just fall back to the original image when necessary. The thumbnails are added to improve the site’s loading speed. They are there so that WordPress or the theme will not have to use the largest image when a smaller one will do.
To unset or deregister the thumbnails, you can use this snippet in the functions.php file.
// deregister theme thumbnails function ava_remove_enfold_image_sizes() { remove_image_size('square'); remove_image_size('featured'); remove_image_size('featured_large'); remove_image_size('portfolio'); remove_image_size('portfolio_small'); remove_image_size('gallery'); remove_image_size('magazine'); remove_image_size('masonry'); remove_image_size('entry_without_sidebar'); remove_image_size('entry_with_sidebar'); remove_image_size('shop_thumbnail'); remove_image_size('shop_catalog'); remove_image_size('shop_single'); remove_image_size('shop_gallery_thumbnail'); } add_action('init', 'ava_remove_enfold_image_sizes');
Next time an image is uploaded, the thumbnails listed above will not be generated.
Best regards,
IsmaelJune 23, 2021 at 9:06 pm #1307206Hi, Ismael.
I actually didn’t receive a notice that you posted this last note, but thank you — it will be very helpful.
After rebuilding thumbnails for all 1480-odd images the portfolio galleries seem to be displaying correctly!
At a cost: over 3GB of disk space. Wow.
I will carefully audit the image usage, and remove any unused sizes. I suspect that some of the largest sizes especially are redundant.
But that is down the road. It is enough for today that it is working well.
Thanks again for shining light on the system.
All the best to you and yours!
June 25, 2021 at 4:46 am #1307372 -
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