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  • #1304404

    I have set an image with your image element of the editor.
    At advanced => SEO I have set title and alt attribut
    And in Media I have set Alt Text

    But RankMath says, that there is no Alt Text for that image. With no other theme I have got that issue.

    How to set Alt Text for SEO with Enfold?
    I have found a hint in forum that only images which are set manually with text block or code block can use alt text / alt attribute:
    This is from year 2016. Is there a solution in 2021 to set with Alt text / Alt attributes when using enfold image element?

    kind regards


    Hey laempe,

    Did you inspect the element in question on the front end? I’m asking since your SEO plugin can likely not read the shortcodes which are used when creating layouts using the Enfold Layout Builder. If you need further help then please point out the element which is the problem on your actual site.

    Best regards,

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