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  • #1299499

    How do I change the label text color within the Mailchimp Newsletter widget?

    I used the code snippet below from your documentation and it didn’t work. Is there another bit of CSS you can suggest?

    // CSS – Newsletter label

    .avia_ajax_form.avia-mailchimp-form label {


    Hey Snerp,

    I’m not seeing label at all. Just placeholder text.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Sorry, I mean placeholder. Can this be changed via the theme with CSS?



    Add this to quick css:

    ::-webkit-input-placeholder {
        color: #8e43e7!important;
    :-moz-placeholder {
        color: #8e43e7!important;
    ::-moz-placeholder {
        color: #8e43e7!important;
    :-ms-input-placeholder {
        color: #8e43e7!important;

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you sir, that’s what I was needing. Have a great day.



    Glad it is working. Please feel free to open another thread if you need anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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