Hello Yigit,
since Fastest Cache offers settings which are also included in Enfold also (Merging CSS for example) there are questions:
-Which settings should i use in FC and Enfold to get the best results and no conflicts?
-What happens if i enable the merging CSS in Enfold and FC?
– Which functions else are also available in FC and Enfold? (I am not a nerd and cant tell by the different description)
Kind regards
All options available in Enfold and more are available in Fastest Cache plugin. So you can stick to Fastest Cache plugin only and keep Enfold’s settings disabled. Enabling both would not make a difference.
Hey too,
If i totally dismiss the Enfold performance settings and only rely on FC, what about the “Load only elements which are in use”?
(This is part of the performance settings, right?)
What happens if i dont use this settings?
(As far is i know all scripts will be loaded then, right? And when they all are loaded instead of the used ones, what happens to my pagesize and my performance??)
Thank you for the inquiry.
Yes, the “Load only elements” option should increase the site performance because the site will only load the required resources (js and css). However, this option will only work when the file compression settings are not enabled.
If you are using the Autoptimize plugin, the “Load only elements” option should still work properly even if the css and js files are compressed.
Best regards,