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  • #1296791

    looks like since the last theme update there is a bug with gallery thumbnails (show big img on top and thumbnails on bottom)

    before last theme update when i added a gallery i showed all thumbnails in same size (~108x90px) “zoomed in” in case aspect ratio is different now it just puts the width to ~108px and the height is always 100% no matter what setting i try

    all old galleries work still, if i try to create a new one with same images the same bug occurs

    not too sure if this is related to theme update aswell but i noticed that if i click on the first image (big one on top) the lightbox only shows this image and not the others, if i click on it via thumbnail on the bottom it shows lightbox with other images from same page to browse through

    anyone else having the same problem? what to do?

    links shared in “private content”

    thanks in advance!


    Hey rustleredv,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Looks like the gallery is using the original image instead of a thumbnail. To change that, edit the Gallery element, go to the Styling panel, then try to set the Gallery Preview Image Size to Portfolio(495×400) or any thumbnail with cropping enabled. When cropping is enabled, WP will crop and resize the image to the specified thumbnail dimension regardless of the original aspect ratio.

    Best regards,


    it is set to that already, looks like the cropping doesnt work

    tried changing around to squared and others but the thumbnails never change and are always displayed like they are right now (also wrong on “preview” pane already when editing gallery)

    only thumbnails dont work, the large image on top is displaying same size for all photos as it should

    worked last week before theme update and havnt changed anything else so suspect this to be at fault

    //edit: just realized the big picture on top isnt displayed completely but cut off, only shown completely when you click on it

    also just noticed that if i create a new empty gallery it has some random images there already in preview pane that only disappear once i pick something for the gallery, truly odd behavior

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by rustleredv.


    Thank you for the info.

    Are you using an image optimization plugin, or any plugin that adds responsive options to the images? Please try to disable the plugin temporarily and see if anything changes. And post the login details in the private field so that we could check the site further.

    Best regards,


    yeah first thing i tried was deactivating every single plugin and restarting server, no changes unforutnatly

    no new plugins or anything was installed lately, only the theme update, this beahvior is occuring ever since that

    temp admin login posted to private content



    Thank you for the info.

    We were able to access the site and get to the dashboard, but when we go anywhere, we get this message, which seems to be a maintenance notice.

    Wegen Wartungsarbeiten ist diese Website kurzzeitig nicht verfügbar. Schau in einer Minute nochmal vorbei.

    Please make sure that the account is an admin, or try to temporarily disable the maintenance plugin.

    Best regards,


    that mustve been quite the coincidence as we updated something and the maintenance mode was active for 10min or so, should work now

    ps: in the meantime i tried deacitvating all plugins again and removing the functions and header php’s in child theme so its pretty much empty but still the very same problem occurs

    also tried with a different user and the same behavior is everywhere unfortunatly



    Thank you for the update.

    A critical error occurred when we tried to deactivate all plugins in the site. Please enable the debug mode and post the FTP details in the private field so that we can check the actual cause of the error, or restore the site from a backup. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    The error might be due to the template files in the child theme directory.

    Best regards,


    like i said the site isnt finished yet so there is a plugin you cant disable without removing something from functions.php first…

    removed the functions.php from the child theme now so you can browse the site with all plugins disabled and see that the very same error still persists



    Thank you for restoring the site.

    It works fine when we select older images or images that have been uploaded earlier. In the above page, we duplicated the gallery, remove the current images and selected older images. The duplicated gallery displays the selected thumbnail size. (see private field)

    It is possible that the new images have been affected by a media or an image optimization plugin, but we cannot be sure. Please try to remove the new images and upload them again while the plugins are deactivated.

    Best regards,


    thanks!!! i can confirm that the problem appears to be only for images that were uploaded since last theme update

    if i deactive the wp optimize plugin (was there from the start) it works again if we upload new pictures, truly weird

    will replace all the pics uploaded since and that should work now with wp optimize disabled

    any idea about that other thing i mentioned where if you click the “big image on top” the lightbox only shows the current image not the rest of the gallery? if you click on the thumbnail it shows all gallery in the lightbox to click through

    link to old site where that still works and new site with described behavior in private field



    Looks like you are using a different lightbox plugin, and not the default one from the theme. You may need to contact the plugin authors regarding the lightbox gallery issue.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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