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  • #1290244

    I hope you can help me with this big mess.
    Yesterday I installed storefront from woocommerce oder At first nothing happened and I didn’t found the installation, which I justed wanted to try.
    And then the whole website collapsed. Because I don’t have enough knowledge to fix that, I wanted to import the backup with updraftplus. Didn’t work. Then I tried to import the backup via my host. …after that everything was totally destroyed.


    Ok, now, everything is working – but I didn’t do anything for or against the problem. But before I go insane, can someone tell me what the problem might have been?


    Hi Mable,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    I think there are two reasons for weird issues, I believe the issue you’re experiencing is the second one.
    1. Caching (old files are still fetched mixed with new ones, after it expires new files are fetched and everything suddenly works)
    2. Server downtime (technical issues like hardware failure or maintenance, if you’re in a good hosting this rarely happens)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Mable,

    The link you posted in private content seems to be broken, please check.

    Best regards,


    Ok, now the same procedure starts again. The page becomes extremely slow in the backend frontend suddenly looks like a website in the 90s again;)
    I’m almost sure by now that it has something to do with woocommerce. Yesterday I uploaded a woocommerce template to try and then it all started. But I don’t know where it is stored. Actually also uploaded an older backup to rule out this problem, but …. In any case, instead of just “to the website”, I also have “to the shop” at the top left, which was not the case before. I do not know how to continue. During the day everything worked fine again. I also called my host and everything seems to be fine. They can’t find anything. I have no idea what the problem is anymore and I really ask for help!


    Ok, jetzt beginnt das selbe Prozedere wieder. Die Seite wird im Backend extrem langsam, frontend schaut auf einmal wieder aus wie eine website in den 90ern ;)
    Ich bin mittlerweile fast sicher, dass es etwas mit woocommerce zu tun hat. Ich habe gestern zum Versuch ein woocommerce template hochgeladen und dann fing alles an. Ich weiß aber nicht wo das abgelegt ist. Habe eigentlich auch ein älteres backup hochgeladen, um dieses Problem auszuschließen, aber…. Auf jeden Fall habe ich oben links statt nur “zur website” auch “zum shop” stehen, das war vorher nicht so. Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter. Untertags hat dann alles wieder gut funktioniert. Habe auch mit meinem Host telefoniert, da scheint alles in Ordnung zu sein. Sie können nichts finden. Ich habe keine Ahnung mehr was das Problem ist und bitte wirklich dringend um Hilfe!



    Thanks for the update, and sorry for the late reply. I can’t see anything obviously wrong with your site, so I’m not sure where to start to be honest with you. Is there a sure way to reproduce the problems which you have been having? To exclude the possibility of you seeing cached results on your end, then I would suggest that you clear the cache from your plugin, or disable it. Also make sure that you clear the cache from your local browser as well, or check the site in an incognito or private browser window.

    Best regards,


    I have same/similar problem, the front end of my website is trashed (so it looks like no template). Trying to isolate the problem I disabled all installed plugins and re-enabled them one at a time and I find that the WooCommerce (v 5.2.2) brings the website down.

    I have been using the WooCommerce plugin for some months with no problem.

    I am currently using Enfold v 4.8.2.

    Can you please offer any advice on how to get this working again.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Ian.

    Hi Ian,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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