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  • #1288462

    Jetzt zu meinem Problem ich habe meine Webseite mit dem Enfold Theme umgesetzt da es mit WooCommerce kompatibel sein soll. Nach der Installation und Aktivierung von WooCommerce werden die Dynamische Beitrags Elemente auf der Seite ausgeblendet bzw. sind nicht mehr sichtbar, den Komplett Layout Seite Unterbrochen ist.

    Ist das Problem bekannt? Ich habe es bei allen anderen Seiten getestet mit dem selben Ergebnis. Nach Deaktivierung von WooCommerce funktioniert alles wieder wie gewohnt.

    Bei der suche nach dem Fehler habe ich alle installierten Plugins Deaktiviert und gelöscht. Anschließend den Cache gelehrt ohne Ergebnis. Der Fehler ist immer noch vorhanden.

    Webseite Link :

    kann mir einer bei der Behebung behilflich sein. Vielen Dank!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by reinkieker.


    Thanks for contacting us!

    You are currently using an older version of the theme which is not compatible with your WordPress version.
    Please refer to this post – and update Enfold to the latest version 4.8.1.
    Then, please generate a Personal Token by referring to this post – and insert it in Enfold theme options to receive auto updates :)



    Hello Yigit,

    Thanks for your Response!

    That’s right i have the Entfold Theme

    I just check to in the WordPress Updates Themes, and i don’t find the Enfold Theme in the Liste. thats ist a Problem to?

    Well, i gonna follow the steps to Update The Entfold Theme to 4.8.1 i hope it’s work well.




    That is probably because you have not inserted your Personal Token in Enfold theme options but you can do so by referring to this post – :)

    Best regards,


    i try with the Personal Token, but its says this error:

    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connected to Envato:

    Purchases could not be accessed
    Your username: reinsicht
    Your E-Mail:
    Following errors occurred:

    Purchases: Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – response_code: 403
    – reason: scope-missing
    Purchases: A problem occurred accessing your purchases. Unable to check for updates.

    Can I still the upgrade? Without the Personal Token?

    I made the Token 3 times and still dont working

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by reinkieker.

    Hi Yigit,
    thanks for your Help, the Personal Token finally works!
    Then i just made my child Theme, and i Downloaded the New Entfold Theme 4.8.1 and i just Import the Settings From the Parent Theme to the Child.
    The Las question before i Install the new Entfold version ist: how i made that the Child Theme Works? or ist just works Automatically?
    because i dont wanna lose everything that i made.
    thanks again!
    i wait for your Response!



    Sorry for the late reply. Did you activate the child theme already? If so, then did everything work out as it should? If it did, then you don’t have to do anything else than importing the setting from the parent, to the child.

    Best regards,


    Everything Works very Well!



    You are welcome! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –

    If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    Best regards,

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