I would like to remove the default icon pack, and have a child theme.
Reason is that I have uploaded a custom icon pack and don’t need the default.
Your advice is appreciated
Kind regards
Hey richardbeatty,
Here are the docs for you:
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
I’m still keen to delete the fontello icon pack. The link you provide unfortunately does not help.
Is it possible to remove the default icons?
Where are they located in the folder structure?
If deleted from the directory , will it be re-inserted at the next enfold update?
Thank you for the update.
The icon fonts are located in the enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts folder, but we would not recommend removing it because it is widely used across the the theme both front and backend. We would suggest replacing only the icons in the elements that you are actually using and keep the default icon fonts.
Best regards,