Hi there,
I am fighting to fix a malware problem concerning my homepage with the enfold theme. (link below)
Every first time a day the mentioned website is opened a faked amazon website with a link appears.
I already tried everything – cleaned the server, arranged subaccounts for each domain, use of 2F-authentification, changed all password, did a complete reset. But this problem hits me every few weeks and I have really no idea at all how to fix. Could you please help me?
Best regards
Hey si-ri,
We can’t help you with cleaning your site, it would be better if you got specialists like Sucuri to do it for you. If you want to try to yourself, then I would suggest that you completely remove all the theme files, then upload a fresh copy of the theme files after that, via FTP. After that then you should change all passwords on the site. Make sure that you have backups of the site, before changing anything.
Best regards,