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    ich würde ein flexibles Masonry einbinden.

    Gerne auch so wie es auf dem oberen Demo zu sehen ist. Gibt es dazu formate für die Bilder. Wenn ich was anlege gibt es keinen so sauberen Abschluss.

    Viele Grüße


    Hi Petschka,

    Instead of using Flexible Masonry, please try to use Perfect Manual Masonry.

    Perfect Manual Masonry: Manually control the height and width of entries by adding either a “landscape” or “portrait” tag when creating the entry. Elements with no such tag use a fixed default size, elements with both tags will display extra large

    Then you can control each item in the individual portfolio entry by adding the mentioned tags.
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    but then I would have to have a separate page (category, portfolio, etc.) for each picture, wouldn’t I?
    So it is not possible as a picture gallery?

    Best regards,


    Hi Petra,

    It’s still possible if you use Perfect Automatic Masonry.
    Though you need to use an image processor to crop images and follow this guideline:

    To qualify for “very wide” or “very high” the image must have a aspect ratio of 16:9 or higher

    Best regards,

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