The imported Demo layout seems to have a bug. The text sticks completely to the left.
How can I center the text?
Thanks for your support
Hey PatrickDreyer,
I can’t see anything like that on your site, which text are you referring to? Please try to explain a bit further, or post a screenshot highlighting the problem.
Best regards,
Hi Ricard,
The problem has been fixed by deinstalling plugins. It took me half a day to find out. ;)
New problem;
With an older version of enfold I was able to determin for every side the layout ; stretched or boxed, or else
Any solution? CSS fix did not work properly with the menue
Thank you in advance for your support
Hi PatrickDreyer,
Can you please explain a bit more what you mean by this:
With an older version of enfold I was able to determin for every side the layout
Best regards,