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  • #1278241

    when I use Easy Slider, I can’t set the dimension of the slider. The “image size” option just change the resolution of the picture.

    I would like the slider to have a fixed height, no matter what the ratio of the displayed picture is.


    Hey Boris53000,

    You can set the image size in the Styling tab in the element options, did you try that out?

    Best regards,


    Yes I did:

    The “image size” option just change the resolution of the picture.


    Hi Boris53000,

    The Easy Slider does not function this way. You need to use the images of the same size and choose the size in the slider settings. Then the slides will not jumt.

    Best regards,


    Really? The slider was keeping the same height before I upgrade Enfold, now I have to resize manually all of my images?

    Is it the same with the “Easy slider full width” element?


    Hi Boris53000,

    Well, you can have them different, but then when you choose the image size the slider will use the copy of the image of that size scaled or cropped and it does not always produce the desired look.

    Best regards,

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