Per Google Insights, I am slow because I am waiting for an external (Youtube) video to load.
I would prefer to use a static picture, so loads faster for everybody — including those who do not WANT to play the video.
How can I make video play in same screen geometry (1/2 column) via click.
Embedding (say in textblock or codeblock) and the av_video all seem to do the same thing.
Button clicks on link — but goes to YouTube instead of playing in the area the button sits in (which would be pretty small, come to think of it.)
Any iideas?
Hey CharlieTh,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The Video element in the builder has an option where you can set the video to only load after a user interaction — meaning user has to click on the preview image first before the actual video will load.
Please add a Video element, apply a preview or fallback image to it and in the Advanced > Privacy Settingspanel, set the Lazy Load videos settings to the second option (Wait for user interaction to load the video).
Best regards,
Thank you so much!
Easy when you know. Ismael, you’re a wow!
Appreciate it.
Hi CharlieTh,
We’re glad to hear that :)
Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!
Best regards,