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  • #1272508

    I have installed the church demo for a site and have added a single event to the events calendar to set it up and test the display before I hand over to my client.

    I have 2 issues:
    1. the event calendar page doesn’t look like the Church demo, there seems to be something wrong with the header.
    2. The ‘next event starts in’ ticker on the homepage is not working.

    I have de-selected the ‘Use updated calendar designs’ option in settings but still the display doesn’t match the church demo.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by shanhard. Reason: Fixed one issue myself

    Hi anyone able to help me with this issue? I am still having no lock getting the event countdown to work, and there is an issue with the event list/calendar display on my site.



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried disabling the Performance > File Compression settings temporarily? This should regenerate the scripts and stylesheets, and hopefully it will help fix the events page layout issues.

    The login account above works fine but it does not have administrator rights so we were not able to check the settings properly.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you. I have tried the suggestion but this did not help.
    I have also fixed your account so you have admin permissions now. Maybe you can take another look for me?

    Best Regards



    Thank you for update.

    For some reason, the config-events-calendar/event-mod.css is not loading properly in your site, which is why the layout of the events page is broken. Did you happen to deregister that style or do anything to disable it?

    Please try to get a fresh copy of the theme from your Themeforest account, then try to override the current installation manually via FTP.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    No I haven’t done anything with that file., I will try overwriting the theme with FTP now and let you know if this fixes it.

    Kind Regards


    Hi again Ismael,
    After re-uploading the theme files there is no change to our issue. The event page layout is still broken and the homepage event countdown is still not working.

    Best Regards



    Please go to Events > Settings > Display and uncheck “Use updated calendar designs” :)



    Hi Yigit, that setting is not checked, the events page is trying to use the enfold styles but there is an error and it is not working.


    Hello Ismael and Yigit, did you have any luck diagnosing the issue? This is the only thing preventing me from handing the site over to my client and going live on their own domain.



    Would you consider enabling or using the updated calendar design? We tested the new design on our end, and it looks good aside from the broken single events page. To fix it, you have to override or create a copy of the default-template.php in the child theme. Please check the following thread for more info.


    If you would like to continue with the default design, please edit the enfold\config-events-calendar\event-mod.css, and replace everything with this css.


    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, I tried the updated design, and have added the folders to my child theme with the config file etc. but now the events page has more display issues. Please take a look.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Sorry for the delay. The login info above is invalid or is not working. Please check the info carefully or provide another account.

    have added the folders to my child theme with the config file etc

    Which config file? All you need to copy is the default-template.php file and place it inside the tribe/events/v2 folder in the child theme directory.

    We will check the thread again once we get hold of the login info.

    Best regards,



    UPDATE: Would you mind adding this code in the functions.php file? Make sure that the updated calendar design is enabled.

    // register default v2 templates
    if( ! function_exists( 'avia_events_template_paths_v2' ) )
    	add_action( 'tribe_template_file', 'avia_events_template_paths_v2', 10, 2 );
    	function avia_events_template_paths_v2( $file, $template )
    		if( $template[0] == "default-template" && is_single() )
    			$file = AVIA_EVENT_PATH . "views/" . $template[0] . '.php';			
    		return $file;

    This should load the default-template.php template from the theme when the updated calendar design is enabled.

    Best regards,


    I will try the suggested mods.

    I have added more info in the private content, for some reason the ftp url above was showing with http:// in front of it, which is incorrect.


    Adding the function did not help the display of our events page. I hope you can work out what is wrong.

    EDIT: I needed to hard refresh the page, it looks a little better now but the layout is still broken and still not matching your church demo layout.


    Which config file? All you need to copy is the default-template.php file and place it inside the tribe/events/v2 folder in the child theme directory.

    This is what I did :-)



    and still not matching your church demo layout.

    The church demo is using the old layout of the events calendar, but our suggestions above requires you to use the v2 or the updated calendar designs, so the events page will look completely different compare to the church demo. The single event page will stay the same.

    We still cannot access the file server using the account above, and the WP login account is no longer valid. Please post valid WP and FTP account in the private field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    I have updated the FTP password and the WP user account, details are in the private content.

    To be honest, I would prefer the layout to look like the church demo. It is a really simple clean design.

    Finally, the countdown element on the homepage s still not working, too.

    Thanks for your patience, and assistance.



    Thank you for the info.

    To fix the old or classic style of the events page, we had to place the tribe events css modification in the style.css file. Please check the links in the private field and please do not forget to purge the cache or do a hard refresh.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you that looks perfect!

    Now how about the event countdown on the home page? It doesn’t seem to show anything even though the next event is coming in May.

    Best Regards,


    Hi Ismael, the website has moved now, but the countdown on the homepage is still not working.
    New URL is in the private section, login information for the WordPress account is still valid. If you need FTP access please let me know.



    Sorry for the delay. Yes, please create a new thread or ticket and post the FTP details in the private field along with the dashboard account. We will close this one for now.

    Best regards,

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