Is it possible to display all of my portfolio categories on one page? I’ve set the masonry grid up to display all of the categories, however when I go to the live page, only a handful of categories are displayed. I have to go to additional pages to be able to see other categories. There should be 11 portfolio categories displaying on my portfolio page:
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thank you for the inquiry.
Currently, a category or sorting item will only show if an item that belongs to that particular category actually exists in the current page. It is actually possible to display all categories immediately, but they will be unusable if none of the items exist in the current page.
Best regards,
Under Select Entries I’ve asked for all portfolio entries to display on the page. I’m not clear on why entires wouldn’t appear on the current page. I guess a workaround is to create individual pages on the site for each Portfolio Category.
I figured it out. I switched to a portfolio grid instead of the masonry one and choose the maximum (100) number of entries per page. I’m able to see all 9 of my portfolio categories on the Portfolio page now. Thanks for your help! You can close this ticket.