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  • #1266842

    I need to remove the link from the post title, on a single post, from the source code, so basically to remove the tag, see here for better understanding:

    Need to leave h1 only, without the inner tag wrapping the title.

    Thank you.


    Hey sammilo4,

    Do you need it to just not be clickable?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    see here:
    this to your child-theme functions.php:

    function avia_default_title_filter($current_post)
    		$default_heading = is_singular() ? 'h1' : 'h2';
    		$args = array(
    					'heading'		=> $default_heading,
    					'extra_class'	=> ''
    		 * @since 4.5.5
    		 * @return array
    		$args = apply_filters( 'avf_customize_heading_settings', $args, 'avia_default_title_filter', array( $current_post ) );
    		$heading = ! empty( $args['heading'] ) ? $args['heading'] : $default_heading;
    		$css = ! empty( $args['extra_class'] ) ? $args['extra_class'] : '';
    		$output  = "";
    		$output .= "<{$heading} class='post-title entry-title {$css}' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_title','echo'=>false)).">";
    		$output .= is_singular() ? $current_post['title'] : "<a href='".get_permalink()."' rel='bookmark' title='". __('Permanent Link:','avia_framework')." ".$current_post['title']."'>".$current_post['title'];
    		$output .= "<span class='post-format-icon minor-meta'></span>";
    		$output .= is_singular() ? '' : '</a>';
    		$output .= "</{$heading}>";
    		$current_post['title'] = $output;
    	return $current_post;

    the links on the blog are still active – only the links on single-post are influenced.
    btw: you can change on that line ( ternary operator ) :

    $default_heading = is_singular() ? 'h1' : 'h2';

    if you like to have on single post (first tag) a h1 or whatever you like
    h2 is only for blog-view (second tag in ternary operator)


    btw: the hover style is correlated with the title itself (not the anchor), so it remains valid.
    if you do not like to have an opacity of 0.7 on hovering the heading:
    this to quick css ( maybe an important is necessary )

    .html_elegant-blog #top .post-entry .post-title:hover, 
    .html_elegant-blog .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-title:hover {
        opacity: 1;

    And dear Mods ( and Devs ) this might be the standard behavior. It makes no sense to have a link from a post to the post itself!


    Perfect, thank you very much.



    Thank you Guenni! Did you need additional help on this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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