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  • #1266767


    i’m using the product grid element to display category items on my category page.
    Now is shown the picture and the product titel above the picture.

    Is there a way to display also a short product description?

    Thank you for helping!


    Hey Stefan,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    How did you set the Product Grid element to display the categories? Please post the site or page URL so that we could inspect the element.

    We might be able to use the snippets provided in the following thread and customize it a bit so that the description displays below the product image.


    Best regards,


    Hi, thankyou for helping!

    URL is in private content



    Sorry for the delay. The link above is not a product archive or category page. Where would you like to display the category description? Please provide a screenshot or a mockup using imgur or dropbox.

    Best regards,



    thank you for your answer.

    This page is a normal page with a product grid element where i’m importing the product category “Gruppenhäuser”.

    Nice would be to finde a way to display a short description under the yellow block with the name “Heideggalm bei Schladming”.

    I’m not using dropbox, but you can find another link in privat content.



    Thank you for the clarification.

    We could use this snippet or hook to display a product description below the title.

    function avf_short_desc_product() {
    add_action( '<a href='' target='_blank' rel="nofollow">woocommerce</a>_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'avf_short_desc_product', 50);

    Or this:

    Best regards,

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