There is padding at the edges of my header – seems the “inner-container” is always a few pixels lower than the header (e.g., my content is set to 1200px, but thew inner-container is then 1100px).
So my logo is inset from the left edge, and on the right edge, after the cart logo there is a line, then empty spacebefore the edge of the header. I have no social icons.
How do I make the logo move to the left edge, and the menu on the right flush with the right edge?
I was going to upiload an image of this issue, but I can’t see how to do that.
Peter Lang
Hey langpj,
You can upload screenshots to a service like Dropbox or http://imgur.com and give us the links here.
Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.
Best regards,