I would like to find out how to have all tabs closed initally on the cookie consent modal window so that the buttons appear on one screen with out scrolling Also i would like to move the buttons to accept up the top i saw another post that moves them up on desktop..
#top .avia-cookie-consent-modal-buttons-wrap {
position: absolute;
top: 50px;
width: 100%;
but i cant get this to work on mobile using @media only screen
Hey Fiachra,
Thank you for the inquiry.
This is possible but we have to modify the privacy modal or tab shortcode directly in the enfold\includes\helper-privacy.php file around line 1872.
$sc_content .= "[av_tab_container position='sidebar_tab sidebar_tab_left' boxed='noborder_tabs' initial='1' av_uid='av-jhds1skt']";
To close all tabs initially, we have to set the initial parameter of the av_tab_container shortcode to 0 or remove it completely.
$sc_content .= "[av_tab_container position='sidebar_tab sidebar_tab_left' boxed='noborder_tabs' av_uid='av-jhds1skt']";
Best regards,
thanks Ismal