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  • #1259413

    Hi, I am creating a test site for a client. I have installed a plugin called.Leira Letter Avatar, which creates a user profile image using the first letters of the user’s username. Example:

    It works all through the site: the letters appear on the user’s page and in the admin BUT it does not work when using the Blog component, set to multi-author blog with Gravatar image, or on the individual blog pages. For example:

    As you can see, this page continues to show the gravatar or a blank if there is no image. But if you click on the username of a post you will see the Letter version.

    I have been wrestlling this for hours. trying different plugns and settings, but nothing seems to work. Can you explain why and propose a fix? Thank you.


    Anyone have any thoughts on this?



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The only difference between the two templates or pages is that the gravatar in the author page (enfold\includes\loop-about-author.php line 76) is wrapped around a section container with the author-box class name. This section is not available in the blog template (enfold\includes\loop-index.php line 253). Unfortunately, we are not sure know how the plugin switches from the default gravatar to the lettered image, but the markup might have something to do with it.

    <section class="author-box" itemprop="author" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">

    Best regards,

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