Tagged: bug, enfold, woocommerce
I make a Variant Product and set images per Variant:
No Main Image set on Product:
Main Image set on Product:
How can I make a product, that shows an image on the overview Page and use the product variation images too?
Its related to the Theme, as I disables all Plugins, same issue. I switched Theme, Problem solved. I made a recording on the issue, where you can see its working when use another theme:
Only WooCommerce.
Normally there are 3 “other” plugins activated, but I disabled them completly for the recording.
Hey BlutVampir,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You might have to set the Enfold > Shop Options > Product Gallery to Woocommerce 3.0 Gallery instead of the default gallery from the theme. This should make the variation image switch work without losing the main product image.
Best regards,
Yes, thanks, that solved it.
I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon