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  • #1259043

    maybe someone can help me. My two websites are running with the Enfold theme. One of my sites ist still running on Enfold 4.2 and there is witten “Theme Updates: No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (4.2)”
    On another of my sites there ist running Enfold 4.7
    In both sites I have entered the Themeforest API Key
    What can I do?
    Thanks and best regards


    Hey Uwe_S,

    For your site that’s using Enfold 4.2, try to do the following (since envato has already stopped using of API keys in favor of tokens, make sure to have a backup first):
    Login to ThemeForest and download the Enfold theme.
    1. Right-click over the downloaded zip file and extract/unzip it.
    2. It should generate a new folder, open it and look for the enfold folder
    3. Right-click the enfold folder then zip it, here’s a tutorial on how to create a zip file in windows: (this should create
    4. Log in to WordPress as and Admin.
    5. Install and activate a maintenance plugin and put your site in Maintenance mode.
    6. Go to Appearance > Themes, switch to a default WordPress theme like TwentyTwenty then delete Enfold.
    7. Click on the ADD NEW button.
    8. Click on the UPLOAD THEME button.
    9. Click BROWSE and choose file
    10. Click the INSTALL NOW button and switch to Enfold or your child theme.
    11. Remove the maintenance mode then deactivate and remove the maintenance plugin.

    On your other site (4.7), please generate a token and register the theme, instructions and further information can be found here:
    And then update it via Theme Options (make sure to backup as well).

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko,
    it seems that it is more than a little hack but I have to install the hole theme new with the risk of loosing some content or special effects.
    thank you anyay for your friendly and detailed answer.
    Best regards,


    Hi Uwe_S,

    Do you still need help with the issue or did you get it working for you?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    thank you, for this moment it’s ok for me. I will wait until I have a quiet period to make the proposed changes, it seems not to be a quick thing.

    Thank you for your help, you can mark the topic as solved.

    Best regards,



    Hi Uwe,

    Ok :)

    We are closing the thread.

    If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.

    Best regards,

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