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  • #1256817

    I feel Enfold is starting to show it’s age a bit…it is crazy to think a designer is limited to using only Vimeo, YouTube or self-hosted video for backgrounds for color section, or full-width easy slider. This is crazy. These services are horrible – especially if you want to remove video controls, auto play, not show next/related videos, etc.

    Please provide a custom function/code that will allow me to use video form a professional video hosting service i.e. Sprout video, Vidyard, Wistia, etc.

    This can’t be that hard, right?

    I have developed lots of sites using enfold, but have started to consider other options – we need some real updates, added features, more demo themes, etc. Y’all made millions with this theme – please help out those of us who helped make that happen…

    Thank you!


    Hey jellyfish007,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Youtube and Vimeo are two of the most popular video platforms out there because they are free, their servers are fast and the features that they offer are quite enough for most users. Unfortunately, adding or using APIs of third party video platforms such as those that you mentioned above will require significant amount of modification and not something that we will be able to immediately provide here in the forum, so for the meantime we will just forward your request to our channel for further consideration.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much for your reply. i apologize for my delay, I was caring for a sick family member.

    I completely understand why those platforms were chosen. Unfortunately, it is difficult to use these because there is a lot of stuff in the videos there is no control over. Especially the fact that YouTube shows the channel logo in the top corner, and shows related videos after, etc. Is there a way to block those? I knew of a way in the past, but YouTube blocked that.

    I don’t want my video background to look bad, but self hosting means anything over a MB or two (poor quality), and it shows a loading circle, and plays poorly.

    Thank you so much for all you do. Have a great day.



    Thank you for following up.

    Is there a way to block those? I knew of a way in the past, but YouTube blocked that.

    Youtube removed the rel parameter which should remove the related content at the end of the video even though they are well aware that the videos are often times used as backgrounds, which might mean that they are discouraging developers or designers to use videos that way and of course to encourage users to view more related contnet. But they keep the modestbranding parameter which removes the Youtube logo.

    // https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#modestbranding

    For now, you might have to look for alternatives or hire a third party developer to add a new video platform or a custom video element in the builder.

    Best regards,

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