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  • #1231467


    I´m trying to open a single image in a lightbox. That for sure is very simple.
    I use the single image tool from avia layout builder because of the title overlay and zoom effect.

    But i have 4 single image boxes on one site used to show a big preview picture with title of a hotel room with a normal gallery of 3 thumbnails underneath.
    So if i click on one of single images i have the opportunity to click through all four single images (left/right arrow). In my case this is very confusing because this images are showing different kinds of room categories.

    I tried to give them a class and hide the arrows and pic counter. But this didn´t work because it´s a matter of the lightbox and not the single image tool.
    I also can´t hide them globally because the thumbnail gallery needs this navigation arrows.

    Is there a simple way to achieve to open a single image without this navigation arrows?

    Thankful for any help.



    Well it will be best to see the page it concerns.
    If the other images have no link to the lightbox – they are not in the gallery – see here – only the one on the left bottom corner has lightbox link.

    but if you have more links to lightbox – you only can state lightbox groups for the lightbox gallery.
    ( or put them in different color-sections will do the jop too)
    you can put this to your child-theme functions.php:
    ( pay attention the code is site specific set to page ID: 123456 – you had to input your page-id on that )

    // group images for lightbox galleries with custom-class:  (group-1, group-2 etc)
    function handle_lightbox_groups_in_gallery(){
        $(window).load(function() {
            $('.lightbox-added').each(function(index, element){
              $('.group-'+index+' .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', index);
            var groups = {};
            $('.lightbox-added').each(function() {
              var id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-group'), 10);
              if(!groups[id]) {
                groups[id] = [];
              groups[id].push( this );
            $.each(groups, function() {
                  type: 'image',
                  mainClass: 'avia-popup mfp-zoom-in mfp-image-loaded',
                  closeOnContentClick: false,
                  closeBtnInside: false,
                  gallery: { enabled:true }
    add_action('wp_footer', 'handle_lightbox_groups_in_gallery');

    to prepare your groups then – you have to give to each image alb element the custom-Class: group-1, group-2 etc.

    see here – allthough these images are in the same color-section – they open in two seperated galleries.:


    by the way – nice sideeffect is that you can group images in different color-sections with that method.

    if you have images inside a text-block element – you can edit those images. Insert then into the link css class field – your group-x you like

    by this case you had to add on the code above one line – because the class: group-x goes directly to the lightbox-added class – so there is no space between the classes – both are on the same anchor.
    ( on the image alb the group class is on the parent element )

            $('.lightbox-added').each(function(index, element){
              	$('.group-'+index+' .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', index);
    		$('.group-'+index+'.lightbox-added').attr('data-group', index);

    see again on the bottom of the test-page:


    Thank you Guenni007!
    I´ll try the solution from your first answer. I think that will do the trick and it is great that i can be handled by page ID.


    Amazing! Guenni007 you are great.
    With your solution it is even possible to group a single image alb element with a gallery element. That´s exactly what i was looking for.

    Topic can be closed!


    Hi chrishilli,

    Glad you got it working for you with Guenni007’s help! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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