Tagged: CONTACT FORM, enfold form
How do we hide the ‘Page Name’ and ‘Page Title’ that appears sometimes above the Enfold Contact Form.
The Contact Form has reCAPTCHA v3 if that makes a difference.
No custom CSS
And has a reply email set up.
Here are some screenshots
Normally we steer away from using this Contact Form because it can be a pain.
Also is there a way to store the subscriber’s contact.
Thank you
Hey Dave,
Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:
.avia_ajax_form h3 {
display: none;
Best regards,
That worked… thanks
We have with Mailchimp linked (in Child Theme Newsletter) with API is there a way to use it with the Enfold Contact Form?
Thanks in advance
Hi Dave,
Can you please describe a bit more how you want to use Mailchimp with the Enfold Contact Form?
Best regards,
The Mail Chimp works with the newsletter connected in enfold admin. HOWEVER can the Contact Form that’s in the Avia Advanced Page Builder > Content Elemnets (when used on any page) can it also be linked to Mail Chimp OR another way to store contacts and maybe export as a CSV file.?
Thanks Dave
Hi Dave,
Enfold does not have an option, unfortunately. You might want to consider other form plugins like CF7 if this functionality is required.
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,