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  • #1222437

    Hi Support,

    I’m using a summary tool and noticed that Pages and Posts don’t get the same result.Trying to debug why Blog posts get the Cookie text content, whereas the Pages actually show the summary of the page content.

    Here are two examples:

    Blog post:

    Viewing the source, both links do include the cookie text, but when summarising, the page and poist results are different.

    Blog post summary:
    Page summary:

    Any ideas how I can get the Blog post to return the post content summary, not the cookie text. In testing all pages return correctly and all blog posts return the cookie text.

    Thanks for any tips or tricks.



    Hey Paul,

    Are you using the Layout Builder to create your posts? If so then you have to set the excerpt manually for each post. If you don’t see the excerpt field then please select to activate it under Screen Options in the top right hand corner of the screen. If that is not the the problem then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    Thanks for the reply. To confirm, I’m not using the Layout builder to create the Blog Posts, but do use it for Pages.
    Temp login details shared privately.

    Best regards,



    Sorry for the delay. We are not really sure how the tool detects the content of the page/post, or what are its criteria for detecting the summary, so it would be difficult for us to help you with this. Did you try asking the creator of the smmry tool?

    The hierarchy of the elements on the post and page above are almost the same and there is nothing really different between the structure of their content except that the summary that is properly detected or the summary that is inside the page is wrapped inside a text block. Other than that the structure of the post and page is the same. It’s also odd that the tool managed to detect the summary in the page when it contains a lot more sections compare to the post.

    Best regards,

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