Could you pls help me with changing breakpoints for Element Visibility.
I want to change very small screens FROM 479px TO 375px in a template without a media query.
And of course, it should be done in the child theme. I tried to change the next two files:
1. wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/generic-helper.class.php
2. wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/popup-templates.class.php
I have created the same folder structure in my child theme but changes in these files don’t work.
Thank you!
Hi! I have one more question.
How can I activate the animation on Animated Numbers on the mobile view when I scroll to it?
In other words, I need to copy the same behavior as we have on the desktop version. Thanks
Sorry for the delay. Those are framework files, so you won’t be able to override them in the child theme. What exactly are you trying to change? We might be able to use the available filters or hooks in the files to do it.
Best regards,
I want to change very small screens FROM 479px TO 375px in a template without a media query.
How can I activate the animation on Animated Numbers on the mobile view when I scroll to it?
Thank you
Sorry for the delay. You can use this filter in the functions.php file to adjust the av-mini-font-size media query.
add_filter('avf_mobile_font_size_queries' function($queries) {
$queries['av-mini-font-size'] = 'only screen and (max-width: 375px)';
return $queries;
}, 10, 1);
Unfortunately, we can’t override the values in the popup-templates.class.php file, so you can either do the modification directly in the parent theme or use css code to override the media queries.
Best regards,