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  • #1220914


    Since 4.5.7, a potential infinite loop that breaks wp-admin in config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/popup-templates.class.php
    You must add a check to verify that $elements does indeed contain something. E.G.:

    public function replace_templates( array $elements )
          $start_check = !empty($elements);

    Since 4.7.3, in config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow/slideshow.js, use the correct variable (key instead of i), around line 158, in the for loop E.G.:

    	for( var i in htmlData )
    		//	data attribute is transformed to lower case, but js is case sensitive - transform key
    		var key = ( 'transition_speed' != i ) ? i :'transitionSpeed';
    		// Günter - in my opinion we should check newOptions[key], this is always true.
    		if( htmlData.hasOwnProperty( key ) )
    			if( typeof htmlData[key] === "string" || typeof htmlData[key] === "number" || typeof htmlData[key] === "boolean" )
    				newOptions[key] = htmlData[key];

    Since, this margin-top added in css/grid.css, that serves no purpose except messing up with existing styles :

    #top .flex_column_table{
    	margin-top: 50px; /* please remove this margin */
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by grizzlydev.

    Could you please also add something to override these in config-woocommerce/config.php

    # removes the default post image from shop overview pages and replaces it with this image
    add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', 'avia_woocommerce_thumbnail', 10);
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', 'woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail', 10);

    Hey grizzlydev,

    Thanks for reporting this. Will be fixed in next update.

    Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.

    Best regards,


    sorry i try again.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    Well, the thing is that as the code is in 4.7.5, the slideshow doesn’t transition at all and the controls don’t respond to clicks. No js errors, just a stuck slideshow.


    i tested it again :
    there was the topic of mine here:
    that on fading the images – the fade effect from last to first image on looping was with its default transition speed.
    so there was a fix for slideshow.js on :
    that was not perfect but much better than before.
    But when inserting your changings in that fixed file – the fading from last to first image is as before : wrong.



    Please try to use this file (check line 156ff):

    Best regards,


    yes – Günter that works as the file from before. with f.e. 7sec transition speed
    ( with that fix on line 838ff for fading last to next )


    use the correct variable (key instead of i)

    when inserting this it is gone – even the transition speed goes back to default. not to the custom value.
    So that above from grizzlydev could not be the whole truth


    I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t see the fix you mention : it’s in a private field.
    It’s possible that the fixes I propose in the first post are not perfect. Works for me though.
    (Precision : the slideshow problem occured with an “Easy Slider”).


    All sliders go back to that js file !

    For me it is working before with the 4.7.5. the only little bug was on transition speed from last to first image on looping and fading (not sliding)
    As you can see on Günters link to github that was solved by additional code on lines 838ff:

    if (self.current === 0) {
    	hideSlide.avia_animate({opacity:0}, self.options.transitionSpeed/2, 'linear');
    	displaySlide.css(properties).avia_animate({opacity:1}, self.options.transitionSpeed/2, 'linear',fadeCallback);



    The link to Github I provided above should work – but there is a problem with the fading effect I can reproduce – but I have not found a solution for it yet. I forwarded it to team member who has more experience with animations.

    Best regards,

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