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  • #1219374


    a client has a website and wants to link to a specific section like
    This works fine on all browsers, except Safari. All other browsers jump to the beginning of the section with #target id in it. Only Safari is jumping way below into the middle of the section.

    We already tried disabeling smooth scrolling in avia.js but it did not help. Seems somehow related to dom loading however.

    Thanks for your help!



    We are sorry for the late reply!

    It works fine on other pages so I think it might be related to LayerSlider or your form on the frontpage. I could not reproduce the issue on my local installation either.

    When I load on Safari it does not scroll to correct section however if I change “home” menu URL to “#target” and then click on the menu item, it scrolls to correct section.

    Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can create a private duplicate page and check why it is not working as expected?

    Best regards,

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