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  • #1218684

    similar to this thread ( we received an empty email with GDPR false . There was nothing more in the email. The sender was (Email address hidden if logged out) .

    I sent you login details via private content. Was that maybe a customer request that we lost or can it be excluded? How can you prevent such emails? Incidentally, the checkbox field is a mandatory field and must be filled in, which makes the email even more strange.

    Looking forward to help.

    Many Greetings,


    Hey Marcel,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Do the emails contain a from address? Is it from the same address? You should install a security and spam protection plugin such as Sucuri or VaultPress to lessen malicious activities and protect the site from unwanted traffic.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    as I wrote, the sender email address of the mail is no-reply@… and then my domain. I posted it again in private content area. SPAM protection is activated with iThemes Security. I had sent the login details to the website.

    What explanation do you have for that? The case has already occurred frequently? Possibly a technical problem? Can it be excluded that requests via the form will be lost?

    Best regards,



    We are not really sure why it happens. Users should not be able to send the form when mandatory fields are empty or not checked. But as you say the emails are empty, so it doesn’t look like a spam script. Is it still happening until now?

    Best regards,

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