Hi, i’m building an ecommerce, and on my product category pages i need to see a sub menu or a fullwidht secondary menu. I made a custom shop page and you can see how I set the full width secondary menu. I just need a way to add that same menu on all the product category pages.
I already added the following code on the function.php file which it worked fine but added the submenu on blog archive pages instead that product category page.
add_action(‘ava_after_main_title’, ‘ava_after_main_title_mod’);
function ava_after_main_title_mod() {
if (is_archive()) {
echo do_shortcode(“[av_submenu which_menu='' menu='163' position='center' color='main_color' mobile='active' mobile_switch='av-switch-768' mobile_submenu='aviaTBmobile_submenu' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-63bwml']
[av_submenu_item title='Voce Menu 1' av_uid='av-45vowt' button_style='' link='' linktarget='']
[av_submenu_item title='Voce Menu 2' av_uid='av-2o2j99' button_style='' link='' linktarget='']
I tried changing is_archive() to is_product_category() in the code but it didn’t work.
Could you please help me?
Hey emanuelecocchiaro,
Sorry for the late reply, I believe that I was able to achieve this in your other thread, please check.
Best regards,