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  • #1208450

    Hello. I’ve seen several threads on this topic, each with a different suggestion, and I’ve tried them all but none works. I just need to be able to choose the font color and size, and the burger menu background color. Any infallible suggestions?


    This must be very easy, but I just can’t get it to change, no matter how many times I delete cache after trying a new approach. Please find the URL below.



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #av-burger-menu-ul .avia-menu-text {
        color: white; 
    .av-burger-overlay-scroll {
        background: blue;

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the quick response. There must be a combination of settings that is keeping any of these solution to have any effect. As you can see in the Private contente image link I’m sending you below, the colors are still really dark the links are unreadable due to lack of contrast. I left the white text on blue backround values of your original code so that it would be quite evident whether it worked… It did not :(



    I see that your CSS is being served from a cached source, what happens if you clear that and/or disable caching?

    Best regards,


    We are using WP Super Cache. As per your instructions I first emptied the cache (no result) and then disabled it. Still no results after also emptying my device’s local cache. Does it show any differently in your device now?



    Thanks for the update, but your CSS is still being server from a cached source. Please see private for an example. Could you disable that until we get a chance to check it please? Also make sure that you have selected to delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance.

    Best regards,


    I did empty the cache and the colors finally changed! Not just for the ones which your code provided, though… So it must be retrieving the values from elsewhere. Any clues?



    I’m not sure I understand your last reply, what else changed and what would you like to remove or edit?

    Best regards,


    Sorry, let me explain further. After doing the cache cleaning that you suggested, the colors in the burger menu changed, but the new colors are not the ones mentioned in the code you suggested and I entered (white color/blue background). If you take a look, the colors are different, so my conclusion is that those values are being taken frome somewhere in the CSS or the Enfold properties… I just have no idea from where. Can you help me find out?



    Thanks for the clarification. I would love to give you a direct answer but your CSS is still being served from a cached source, so I can’t. All I can say that the CSS applying is coming from the file in private. If you need further help then I would recommend that you turn off caching completely so that we can see where the CSS is coming from.

    Best regards,

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