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  • #1204773

    I translated the website from German to English some time ago by using WPML.
    Now I have this nice language switcher in the backend, which works more or less, BUT:

    Now even if I am writing a german article, the Advanced Layout Builder is completely in English.
    When I add a content element to my German article, Advanced layout builder is inserting it in English. For example if I drop a comment section into my article, it’s content is in English. The user see’s “Leave a Reply Want to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute!”, although the article is setup as German.

    This was different before I added the second language. Can anybody give me a hint? This must be a setting somewhere.




    Hi Schwimmsport Steiner,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Which pages is it happening on?

    Best regards,

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