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  • #1203603


    I am trying to get my gallery looking like what you have here but cannot figure out how to do that:

    I have all my images in setup as featured images, categories in place but going through the options for the masonry portfolio I cant see how to make it look like the page you have?



    OK I have figured out why it was not full width which was due to the element being constrained within another color section element.

    However I do have another question – I have created 5 portfolio categories however I cant seem to get them all showing at once as a menu. I am only getting what appears to be the active category? I feel like this is a simple setting I am missing again :)

    Thanks again.


    Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the login, if I understand the question, on your test gallery you are not seeing all five of your portfolio categories, like this:
    I was able to see all five after a few refreshes, because all five were shown in the images below, using the “random” order. It looks like all of your portfolio items were created on the same day and in category order, please try changing the published date on some of the posts mixing the categories better, for example try using 4 dates with 25% of the posts for each date with all categories for each date.
    Then you may want to order by date, but try ordering by random also.

    Best regards,


    Many thanks Mike.

    So is there anyway in which to force the portfolio categories to show all available categories rather than relying on the published date or other?

    I also noticed that when you select a category and the images are reorganised and you then view one of the images in the lightbox and then scroll through the images, you still get images from other categories showing up?

    It doesn’t seem intuitive to me that you would select a category to view just those images and then on viewing the larger image you get other category images thrown into the mix. Can this be corrected?



    Thanks, what I meant by adding the dates was to arrange the images so a better mix of categories would show. Another option is to show all items. Please check the test page.
    The lightbox loads all images on the page, so even when you filter by “fireplace” and only two items show, the other items are loaded on the page, they are just not visible, so the lightbox still loads the images. We don’t have a way to change this.
    We can hide the lightbox arrows and not allow the image to change on click so you only see the one image in the lightbox, would you like to try this?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Many thanks for the reply.

    Yes, I would like to see how it goes by hiding the lightbox arrows.

    Could you let me know how to achieve this please.



    The login token seems to have expired, so I couldn’t check your site, but I tested on a similar lightbox situation so this css should work, but to make it more targeted so it doesn’t affect the whole site I will need to see your site again.
    Please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:

    .mfp-arrow.mfp-prevent-close {
    	display:none !important;
    .mfp-content {
    	pointer-events: none !important;
    .mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {
        cursor: pointer !important; 

    After applying the css, Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi mike,

    That seems to work for the gallery. I have extended the access period for you to check.

    I now notice on the home page though I have a horizontal gallery’ to which I have in the quick CSS the code below. This is to hide the file names from showing.

    The file names have come back? Should this code be add to yours or should I be doing it differently now?

    // CSS – hide file names in gallery view
    .mfp-title {
    display: none !important;

    .mfp-counter {
    display: none !important;


    To remove the titles of your images, try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:

    function remove_title_on_hover(){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_title_on_hover');

    I realize that the page we are working on for the lightbox issue is a test page, so the only thing left to do is add the page ID to the css so it won’t accidentally cause issues, which page do you want it to work on, or do you want to have it work on all pages?

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike.

    Added the code to the functions.php – All good and working.

    Could you let me know what to add and where to make it specific to a page please. The page in question is in PC below.

    Many thanks


    To make it more specific I changed it to this:

    function remove_title_on_hover(){
      $(" *").hover(function(){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_title_on_hover');

    now it should only work on the one page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike.

    That’s great.

    i can play with this some more now.

    I think we can close the thread.



    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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