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  • #1202454


    I’ve seen quite a few posts about conflicts between Enfold and WordPress 5.4. So far, all the responses I’ve found recommended using the Classic Editor. However, I’m using Gutenberg in posts. Has this problem been fully fixed now for people who do not what to use the Classic editor?



    Hey darryllevine,

    I’m very sorry for the late reply. If you are using the Block Editor without the Layout Builder, then it should work as with any other theme as far as I know. The conflict is only when using the Enfold Layout Builder while the default block editor is active.

    Best regards,


    OK, here is my situation:

    In posts, I’m using blocks.
    In pages, I’m using the Enfold Layout Builder.

    I have two questions :
    1. I’m guessing this setup will cause a problem if I update?
    2. Are you currently working on a fix?

    Thanks! :)



    Thanks for the clarification. I see your point and concern, if you don’t have to update then maybe it would be better to wait for the next release of theme then. We are working on a fix and it will be available as soon as possible.

    Best regards,


    Has this problem been fixed? Thanks!



    It has been fixed, you can update to if you like.

    Best regards,


    Ok, but the theme is already updated. The question was about updating to WordPress 5.4+. Can I update WordPress and still be able to use the Gutenberg editor in some pages and your Advanced Editor in other pages without any problem? In other support threads, people were asked to use the Classic editor, which I don’t want to do.



    Thanks for the update. I haven’t heard of any users having that problem using the latest version of Enfold and WordPress, so it should be safe to update. If you want to make sure that it’s working properly on your particular site then please update on a staging site first.

    Best regards,

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