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  • #1196952

    Folgendes Problem: bei längeren Wörtern in Überschriften (sowohl Seitentitel, als auch innerhalb des Textes) wird nicht das ganze Wort in der mobilen Ansicht angezeigt. Gibt es die Möglichkeit für einen automatischen Zeilenumbruch oder so?

    Danke für die Hilfe,


    I have the following problem: when I have long words in my headings (title or in heading in the text) yoou can not see the whole word in the mobile version. Is it possible to have an automised line break or something else?

    Thanks for helping



    Hi Katharina,

    Could you post a link to where we can see this problem happening please?

    Best regards,

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    Thanks for that. I can’t see any headings overflowing though, they all seem to be breaking as they should on mobile. Did you find a solution already? If not then please post a screenshot of where this is happening, and in which screen resolution and browser we can reproduce it on.

    Best regards,

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